“Life’s most urgent question is: What are you doing for others?”
– Martin Luther King, Jr.
Join us at Creators Space to assemble Welcome Kits that will contain necessities for children in foster care. Feel free to bring friends to hang out!
Whether you had a difficult childhood or can even remember a difficult childhood experience, you likely remember what you longed for at that moment. It could have been a stuffed animal to hug, a night light because you were scared of the dark, an outfit to wear to school, or just something to call your own.
Imagine the anxiety a child feels after being removed from his or her home and moving somewhere new. Some children enter foster care with few or no belongings, so welcome kits can contain a variety of items:
Cozy blanket
Personal hygiene items
Toys or stuffed animals
Coloring or activity books
We have partnered with a local nonprofit that currently serves 120 foster children.
We will be covering the initial costs of supplies, but monetary donations of any size will help offset the costs, determine the number of kits we can assemble, the contents of the kits, and ensure we can continue service projects such as this in the future! --->
**[Tax-Deductible 501c3] Bank and credit card donations:
Cash App: $PSMN143
Venmo: @PSMN143
Paypal: https://www.paypal.me/psychedelicmn
**Please type what it's for in the "add note" field.
Or send a check made out to the Psychedelic Society of Minnesota and mail it to PO Box 13348, Minneapolis, MN 55414
Cash donations are also welcome when you come. Thank you!
"In a gentle way, you can shake the world"
– Mahatma Gandhi
DISCLAIMER - This event is not a place to bring, buy, sell, trade, or arrive on any illegal substances. This group is designed as a sober space to reduce harm/maximize benefits of those using psychedelics on their own accord. All attendees are expected to conduct themselves with sincerity, openness, and respect for all those in the community. Violations of these rules can result in being banned from events.